Do you have one or more missing teeth? Are you looking for a second opinion on restoring a damaged smile? Dr. Paul Karpovich restores all types of dental implants in Timonium, MD. Dental implants are versatile dental restorations comprising a small titanium screw, abutment, and dental crown.
When replacing a single missing tooth, they serve as a prosthetic tooth and blend seamlessly with your existing teeth and smile. Implants can secure dental bridges and dentures and replace single lost teeth, providing the most natural outcome and the ability to speak and eat confidently.
Dental Implant Treatment in Timonium by Paul W. Karpovich, DDS, P.A.
Before treatment, Dr. Karpovich can evaluate your oral health and determine if a dental implant or implant restoration is right for you. Dr. Karpovich can also provide tooth extractions if you have severely decayed or damaged teeth. You may discuss your goals and budget with Dr. Karpovich during a consultation.
We refer patients to a specialist for the implantation procedure. The titanium implant screw is placed in the jaw bone during this surgery. Dental implants undergo a process of osseointegration, a 3 to 6-month period during which the implant integrates with the jawbone. Once the implant is healed, we can cap it off with a dental crown, denture, or bridge.
We provide restorations for patients after their implant procedure to ensure their results look and feel natural. Our office works with dental labs to create custom-made false teeth.
The Benefits of Dental Implants
Dental implants offer a variety of benefits to patients who need prosthetic teeth:
- Long-lasting results: Implants are permanent. Once the implant posts fuse with the jaw bone, they will stay in place just like a natural tooth root. You do not need to replace your implants over time.
- Natural look and feel: We work with a dental lab to create custom crowns, bridges, and dentures for implant restorations. Our office takes impressions and measurements of your mouth and sends them to a lab. The lab will create a restoration that matches your natural smile.
- Decrease in oral health problems: Implants combat problems like facial sagging, gum disease, and tooth decay. Before treatment, we ensure you are in good oral health. After you receive implants, you will continue to care for your implant restoration like your natural teeth. Proper maintenance will ensure your implants, gums, and remaining teeth stay healthy.
Contact our office if you are missing one or more teeth and want a durable and long-lasting restoration. We will help ensure you are a good implant candidate.
Dental Implant FAQs
Patients often have questions about their tooth replacement options and how dental implants in our Timonium, MD dentist office can meet their needs. During a consultation with Dr. Karpovich, he can answer your questions and work with you to create a personalized treatment plan.
Am I a dental implant candidate?
Dr. Karpovich will determine if you are a dental implant candidate. The best candidates for implant treatment are patients with the remaining jawbone structure. However, even if you do not have enough tissue to support the implant, you may undergo bone grafting treatment.
We can also work with patients with gum disease, chronic medical conditions, or those who already have removable dentures or a dental bridge.
Can dental implants fail?
Dental implants can fail due to gum infection, trauma, medical conditions, etc. Your implant may be failing if your dental crown or denture feels loose. Another sign of an implant failing is pain or sensitivity around the implant or gum line. Look for redness or swelling around the implant and be aware of changes in your biting or chewing ability.
Remember to visit our office biannually so we can keep oral health problems in check.
Does getting dental implants hurt?
No, you won’t experience pain in the implant process. During the implant surgery, we utilize a local anesthetic to ensure that the area is numb as we place the implant posts. You should only experience some soreness and discomfort for the first few days after the implant placement. Over-the-counter pain relievers and cold compresses should be all you need to manage the discomfort.
Do dental implants make you have bad breath?
No, normal dental implants won’t cause this. If you notice it relatively soon after your implant surgery, you may have an infection. While this procedure’s infection rate is very low, it can happen.
You still have to brush and floss your teeth, even if you’ve replaced them with dental implants. Though you can’t experience tooth decay, bacteria, and food debris can still form plaque and tartar on the surface of the restoration.
Are dental implants easier on the top or the bottom?
The success rate for implants in the upper jaw is slightly lower than that of the lower jaw. The main reason is that the jawbone is less dense on the top of the mouth.
Adequate bone structure is required so the implant post can fuse and integrate with your jawbone. If that is a red flag in your consultation, procedures like sinus lifts and bone grafts can help you get the required bone density.
What can impact the success rate of dental implants?
Though the implant success rate is high, certain things can lower it. The first is inadequate bone density. We ensure that you get the proper procedures so this isn’t an issue by the time you get to the implant placement.
If you’re a smoker, you have a higher chance that the implant will fail. Smoking seriously impacts the healing process. We’ll encourage you to quit completely. At a minimum, we recommend waiting six months after quitting smoking to move forward.
Just like with the health of the rest of your mouth, proper oral hygiene is essential for the implant to heal properly. Brushing and flossing properly are always important, but especially when healing from implant surgery. Bacteria entering the implant site can cause infection and potentially make the implant fail.
Request a Dental Implant Consultation with Dr. Karpovich
Get high-quality dental implants in Timonium, MD, to replace one or more missing teeth. Contact Dr. Karpovich online to schedule a dental consultation about your restorative needs. You can also call his office for an appointment at (410) 221-3085.
If you are unsure which implant restoration is right for you or if you are an implant candidate, please contact our office. We will help you find the best treatment for your needs.