Do you have sudden, sharp tooth pain? Have you just damaged a dental restoration? Receive emergency treatment in our office. Dr. Paul Karpovich is an emergency dentist who treats patients in Timonium, MD. He provides emergency dental care to help patients maintain their smiles and prevent future oral health problems. If you have just sustained a dental injury from a medical emergency, please visit the hospital. Dr. Karpovich can provide you with dental care after your medical care.
Dental Emergency FAQs
Learn more about common dental emergencies, as well as what to do in the event of a dental emergency:
What do I do if I have just lost a permanent tooth?
Try to find your tooth and hold it by the crown. Place a clean cloth or gauze over your tooth socket to prevent excessive bleeding. You can place the tooth in a cup of cold milk to transport to our office. Dr. Karpovich can provide you with a dental implant if he cannot reattach your lost tooth. Dental implants are the gold standard for restoring one or more missing teeth. This is because they are made of titanium and fuse with the bone tissue of the jaw.
Why do my teeth hurt?
There are many different causes of sudden tooth pain and even toothaches that appear at certain times of the day. If you have tooth pain in the back of your mouth, your wisdom teeth may be coming in. Sometimes, wisdom teeth do not have enough room to erupt. They may dig into your back molars or grow perpendicular to your other natural teeth. If your teeth are sensitive to hot and cold temperatures, tooth wear may be the cause. Additionally, tooth sensitivity is a common symptom of tooth decay and gum disease. If you have chronic toothaches or sudden pain, please call Dr. Karpovich. He will find the cause of your pain and recommend the appropriate treatment.
Should I repair chips or cracks in my teeth?
Yes, patients should treat any dental injures or damage, no matter how small. Dental injuries not only affect the look of the smile, but they can lead to an uneven bite and further damage to the tooth enamel. It is easier for harmful bacteria to enter a tooth if it is damaged. Dental bonding, porcelain veneers, and even tooth crowns cover and protect injured teeth.
What do I do if I break a dental restoration?
If you have just broken a crown, bridge, or denture, call Dr. Karpovich immediately. Do not try to place any pieces that may have fallen out back in your mouth. This can damage your restoration further or injure your teeth and gums. Dr. Karpovich will examine your damaged restoration and plan a durable replacement.
Call For Emergency Dental Care Today
Do you have a dental emergency? Contact Dr. Karpovich’s Timonium dental office for treatment today at (410) 221-3085. If you do not have a dental emergency, you can request a dental consultation with Dr. Karpovich on our website.